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UK Registered Charity 1117093
Company Number 5947088

"Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing."

Vince Lombardi

Major sports event outreach leaflets written by Stuart

Major sports events provide great opportunities for the Christian community to serve and witness. For many years high quality booklets have been produced for use around major sports events and distributed in large numbers in many languages and countries.

  • Cricket a different spin (Cricket World Cup, 1999)
  • On the Winning side (Rugby Union Word Cup, 1999)
  • The pocket guide (European Football Championship, 2000)
  • Ultimate Goal pocket guide (Football World Cup, 2002)
  • More than Gold (Commonwealth Games. 2002)
  • The Ultimate Goal (European Football Championship, 2004)
  • Guide to the Games (Olympics 2004)
  • Kickoff booklet (Football World Cup, 2006)

The cricket World Cup 2007

Verité Sport's cricket booklet was well used during the cricket World Cup.

Over 100,000 copies were distributed in the Caribbean, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, South Africa, Nepal and the UK. As well as English it was published in Urdu, Bengali and Nepalese.

In the Caribbean 75,000 were printed and distributed at the games and festivals. Some were left in hotels where players and journalists were staying.

20,000 were printed in Bangladesh. Bangladesh's progress in the World Cup to the Super 8 stage made the booklet very popular. They were distributed in street sales or at bus stations or on buses and trains.

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